Training and logistics
Karate training involves the practice of individual techniques (kihon), set combinations of techniques (kata), and sparring (kumite).
All training takes place at the Oxford University Sports Centre, Iffley Road, Oxford OX4 1EQ.!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2470.327985573399!2d-1.246618884885715!3d51.74532580110088!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x4876c14ca7efff6b%3A0x747466c2754b1ab4!2sOxford+University+Sport!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1460481675734
Training times
These times are the training times in general.
Please sign up for the mailing list for last-minute announcements.
Monday |
20:30-22:30 |
Coached session |
Friday |
20:30-22:30 |
Coached session |
Saturday |
17:00-19:00 |
Coached session |
Sunday |
08:30-10:30 |
Student led (term-time) |
Occasionally, we are lucky enough to have Ohta-sensei lead sessions with us (see calendar).
Members need to hold an in-date JKAE license to train, grade, and compete. Please click here for the process on how to join the club.
Hard training is often followed by an active social calendar organised by the club committee. It's great way to make new friends at University and encourage each other to train.
Kyu grading examinations take place at the end of each term and dan grading at international and national JKAE courses.
OUKC members also regularly attend JKAE national and international courses in the UK, Europe and Japan. More information on upcoming events can be found on the JKAE and JKA websites.
OUKC students also train for the annual Oxford-Cambridge karate match, national student competition (BUCS), and JKAE Nationals, with a number of students winning medals. Extra competition training is arranged by Spiros Sensei and the club captains.